ROSA WakayamaROSA Wakayama
- Club
- Wakayama, Wakayama
- 2002

“ROSA wakayama”をデザインするにあたり、そのバラがもともと持っているイメージを最大限に生かし、訪れる人の好奇心をかきたてるように心掛け、空間を構成した。
The allure of Rosa
In designing the space at ROSA wakayama, I utilized the inherent images that roses embody to maximum effect, endeavoring to excite the curiosity of those that enter.
Guests can feel the activity inside through a small observation window, inviting them Iin. They head over a platform of light, across which barbed wire has been spread as a motif for rose thorns, and into the next area... The roses dancing in mid-air do not just function as partitions, but by designing the way in which they would be reflected in the mirrors, they also act to release people from the everyday world.
ROSA Wakayama
和歌山市吉田812番地 Nクラッシックビル5F